Find a CFO
Alison Carnie, MBA
Saint Louis, MO
Certified CFO Since 2024 
Certification ID: CFO-44AQ7QS 
Why Business Owners Love Working With Me  
My relatability as a fellow business owner! I truly care about my clients and their success - whatever success looks like for them.
My Biggest Success Story  
My real estate investor client came to me needing their properties put into a true accounting software, outside of Excel. They did not think they needed a full set of books for their investments and I helped show them how complete and accurate financials are the biggest factor in understanding how to make any decision in their business and how each property is performing on its own.
About Me  
was always meant to be an accountant. Bankers ran in my family, I spent many hours of my childhood counting my money and budgeting for things I wanted to buy, rolling coins for depositing into my savings account, and coming up with the best course of action to get the best value for my dollar. So why is my Bachelor's degree in Psychology?! I was drawn to understanding people and how their brains worked - I still studied business, but my background in psychology is what has helped me stand out from others in my field. I rounded out my education with an MBA and Master's in Accounting, so I got there in the end. :) Before becoming a business owner myself, I worked as an auditor, then as a corporate accountant. I left the corporate world when I had my first child and started my company two years - and a second child - later. I love being there for my kids as they grow up while also doing what I love - helping others and accounting.
Top 3 Types of Businesses I Help  
Real Estate
Construction & Trades
Professional Services
Schedule a Right Fit Call  
To see how I can help your business, let's get on a 20-minute call. This complimentary call will determine if we're a 'right fit' for each other. If we are, then I'll tell you exactly how I can help you and your business.

On this call, I'll learn more about you and the goals you have for your business. Together, we'll determine if it makes sense to continue exploring how I can help you grow your business.

To schedule a Right Fit call. Click the button below.
Schedule a Right Fit Call
 What a Certified CFO Can Do for Your Business 
 Give you financial oversight. 

Get someone who knows how to grow successful businesses that make real money.

 Be your go-to financial guide. 

Get a 'go-to' financial expert who will be with you every step of the way.

 Give you direction on what to do. 

Get direction on the exact next steps to have a growing and successful business.

 Understand your numbers. 

A successful business is one that understands and is improving their numbers.

 Be a trusted confidant. 

Finally have someone to turn to for advice and to bounce ideas off of.

Own a machine. Not a job. 

Your business needs to be a machine that makes money for you. Not a low-paying job.

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